
Contract BBVoting is BBStandard

imports: BBStandard.sol, BBLib.sol

Source: BBVoting.sol

BBVoting is the contract implements Partial-Lock Commit-Reveal Voting for allow voter can help to reslove the dispute in Freelancer app



Event for logging the voter request the voting rights.

event VotingRightsGranted(address indexed voter, uint256 numTokens);

Parameter Type Description
voter address address of the voter
numTokens uint256 the BBO number of the voter request


Event for logging the voter withdraw voting rights

event VotingRightsWithdrawn(address indexed voter, uint256 numTokens);

Parameter Type Description
voter address address of the voter
numTokens uint256 the number of BBO withdrawn


Event for logging the voter commit vote for job hash

event VoteCommitted(address indexed voter, uint256 jobID);

Parameter Type Description
voter address address of the voter
jobID uint256 ID of job


Event for logging the voter reveal the commit vote

event VoteRevealed(address indexed voter, uint256 jobID, bytes32 secretHash);

Parameter Type Description
voter address address of the voter
jobID uint256 ID of job
secretHash bytes32 the hash of commit vote



Check the job hash is the dispute job

modifier isDisputeJob(uint256 jobID){
    uint256 jobStatus = bbs.getUint(BBLib.toB32(jobID,'JOB_STATUS'));
    require(jobStatus == 4);
    require(bbs.getAddress(BBLib.toB32(jobID, 'DISPUTE_WINNER'))==address(0x0));



Check this Poll started for the job Hash has againts or not

function isAgaintsPoll(uint256 jobID) public constant returns(bool)

Parameter Type Description
jobID uint256 ID of job

Return: (Bool)


Set bbo reward address, use for send reward to the voter. Only owner can invoke

function setBBOReward(address rewardAddress) onlyOwner public

Parameter Type Description
rewardAddress bytes bbo reward address


The voter request voting rights by lock the number token, each locked token is 1 vote

function requestVotingRights(uint256 numTokens) public

Parameter Type Description
numTokens uint256 number of token to lock


The voter withdraw the locked token

function withdrawVotingRights(uint256 numTokens) public

Parameter Type Description
numTokens uint256 number of token to withdraw


check the locked token balance

function checkBalance() public view returns(uint256 tokens)


Parameter Type Description
tokens uint256 number of locked token


Voter commit vote for the dispute job

function commitVote(uint256 jobID, bytes32 secretHash, uint256 tokens) public isDisputeJob(jobHash)

Parameter Type Description
jobID uint256 ID of job
secretHash bytes32 keccak256(choice, salt)
tokens uint256 number of token vote for this job

Modifiers: isDisputeJob


Voter reveal vote for the dispute job

function revealVote(unit256 jobID, address choice, uint salt) public isDisputeJob(jobHash)

Parameter Type Description
jobID uint256 ID of job
choice address address of hirer/freelancer choice from commit stage
salt uint256 secret salt to encrypt secretHash

Modifiers: isDisputeJob


Voter can check the secretHash

function checkHash(uint256 jobID, address choice, uint salt) public view returns(bool)

Parameter Type Description
jobID uint256 ID of job
choice address address of hirer/freelancer choice from commit stage
salt uint256 secret salt to encrypt secretHash


Voter claim reward

function claimReward(uint256 jobID) public

Parameter Type Description
jobID uint256 ID of job


Calculate the reward of the dispute job hash

function calcReward(uint256 jobID) constant public returns(uint256 numReward)

Parameter Type Description
jobID uint256 ID of job

Return: Number of reward.