
Contract BBFreelancerJob is BBFreelancer

imports: BBFreelancerPayment.sol, BBLib.sol, BBFreelancer.sol,BBRatingInterface.sol

Source: BBFreelancerJob.sol

BBFreelancerJob is the contract implements Job Posting actions for Freelancer app



Event for logging new Job creations.

event JobCreated(bytes jobHash, uint256 indexed jobID, address indexed owner, uint expired, bytes32 indexed category, uint256 budget, uint256 estimateTime);

Parameter Type Description
jobHash bytes Hash of the job store on IPFS
jobID uint256 ID the job
owner address address of the creator
expired uint256 total time allow the freelancer can bid this job(stored as second)
category bytes32 Hash keccak256 of the category, allow client can filter job by category
budget uint256 Max amount the hirer can pay for this job
estimateTime uint256 Max time for freelancer can do this job (stored as second)


Event for logging canceled job.

event JobCanceled(bytes jobHash);

Parameter Type Description
jobID uint256 ID of the job


Event for logging started job.

event JobStarted(bytes jobHash);

Parameter Type Description
jobID uint256 ID of the job


Event for logging finished job.

event JobFinished(uint256 jobID);

Parameter Type Description
jobID uint256 ID of the job



Get jobID by jobHash

function getJobID(bytes jobHash) public view returns(uint256)

Parameter Type Description
jobHash bytes Hash of the job store on IPFS


Return Type Description
jobID address ID of the job


Get job detail by job hash.

function getJob(uint256 jobID) public view returns(address, uint256, uint256, bool, uint256, address)

Parameter Type Description
jobHash bytes Hash of the job store on IPFS


Return Type Description
owner address owner of this job
expired uint256 job bidding expired timestamp
budget uint256 job buget
cancel bool true if job is canceled
status uint256 see status
freelancer address address of the freelancer of this job


Post new job

function createJob(bytes jobHash, uint expired ,uint estimateTime, uint256 budget, bytes32 category) public jobNotExist(jobHash)

Parameter Type Description
jobHash bytes Hash of the job store on IPFS
expired uint256 job bidding expired timestamp
estimateTime uint256 Max time for freelancer can do this job (stored as second)
budget uint256 max job buget
category bytes32 Hash keccak256 of the category, allow client can filter job by category

Modifiers: jobNotExist


Cancel a job by jobHash

function cancelJob(bytes jobHash) public isOwnerJob(jobHash)

Parameter Type Description
jobID uint256 ID of the job

Modifiers: isOwnerJob


Start working on a job by jobHash

function startJob(uint256 jobID) public isNotCanceled(jobID) jobNotStarted(jobID) isFreelancerOfJob(jobID)

Parameter Type Description
jobID uint256 ID of the job

Modifiers: isNotCanceled, jobNotStarted, isFreelancerOfJob


Finish working on a job by jobHash

function finishJob(uint256 jobID) public isNotOwnerJob(jobID) isFreelancerOfJob(jobID)

Parameter Type Description
jobID uint256 ID of the job

Modifiers: isNotOwnerJob, isFreelancerOfJob


Check rule Rating of user

function allowRating(address sender ,address rateTo, uint256 jobID) public view returns(bool)

Parameter Type Description
sender address user is rating
rateTo address user is being rating
jobID uint256 ID of job

Implement: allowRating


Job status mapping

status Description
0 Job Initial
1 Job Started
2 Job Finished
4 Job Payment Rejected
5 Job Payment Claimed
6 Job has Dispute (in-voting)
9 Job Payment Accepted