
Contract BBStorage is Ownable

imports: Ownable.sol

Source: BBStorage.sol

BBStorage is key-value type storage:

    mapping(bytes32 => uint256)    private uIntStorage;
    mapping(bytes32 => string)     private stringStorage;
    mapping(bytes32 => address)    private addressStorage;
    mapping(bytes32 => bytes)      private bytesStorage;
    mapping(bytes32 => bool)       private boolStorage;
    mapping(bytes32 => int256)     private intStorage;



Only allow access from the admin storage mapping, use for write/delete data

modifier onlyAdminStorage()



Event for logging admin additions or removals from the storage contract.

event AdminAdded(address indexed admin, bool add)

Parameter Type Description
admin address address can write/edit data
add bool true if admin was successfully added, false to removed



add/delete admin to allow write/delete storage object. Only owner can invoke.

function addAdmin(address admin, bool add) public onlyOwner

Parameter Type Description
admin address address can write/edit data
add bool true to add, false to remove

modifier: onlyOwner


Get address value from storage mapping by key

function getAddress(bytes32 _key) external view returns (address)

Parameter Type Description
_key bytes32 hash keccak256 of the key

Returns: address value


Get uint256 value from storage mapping by key

function getUint(bytes32 _key) external view returns (uint256)

Parameter Type Description
_key bytes32 hash keccak256 of the key

Returns: uint256 value


Get string value from storage mapping by key

function getString(bytes32 _key) external view returns (string)

Parameter Type Description
_key bytes32 hash keccak256 of the key

Returns: string value


Get bytes value from storage mapping by key

function getBytes(bytes32 _key) external view returns (bytes)

Parameter Type Description
_key bytes32 hash keccak256 of the key

Returns: bytes value


Get bool value from storage mapping by key

function getBool(bytes32 _key) external view returns (bool)

Parameter Type Description
_key bytes32 hash keccak256 of the key

Returns: bool value


Get int value from storage mapping by key

function getInt(bytes32 _key) external view returns (int)

Parameter Type Description
_key bytes32 hash keccak256 of the key

Returns: int value


Set address value to storage mapping by key

function setAddress(bytes32 _key, address _value) onlyAdminStorage external

Parameter Type Description
_key bytes32 hash keccak256 of the key
_value address address value

Modifier: onlyAdminStorage


Set uint256 value to storage mapping by key

function setUint(bytes32 _key, uint256 _value) onlyAdminStorage external

Parameter Type Description
_key bytes32 hash keccak256 of the key
_value uint256 uint256 value

Modifier: onlyAdminStorage


Set string value to storage mapping by key

function setString(bytes32 _key, string _value) onlyAdminStorage external

Parameter Type Description
_key bytes32 hash keccak256 of the key
_value string string value

Modifier: onlyAdminStorage


Set bytes value to storage mapping by key

function setBytes(bytes32 _key, bytes _value) onlyAdminStorage external

Parameter Type Description
_key bytes32 hash keccak256 of the key
_value bytes bytes value

Modifier: onlyAdminStorage


Set bool value to storage mapping by key

function setBool(bytes32 _key, bool _value) onlyAdminStorage external

Parameter Type Description
_key bytes32 hash keccak256 of the key
_value bool bool value

Modifier: onlyAdminStorage


Set int value to storage mapping by key

function setInt(bytes32 _key, int _value) onlyAdminStorage external

Parameter Type Description
_key bytes32 hash keccak256 of the key
_value int int value

Modifier: onlyAdminStorage


delete address value from storage mapping by key

function deleteAddress(bytes32 _key) onlyAdminStorage external

Parameter Type Description
_key bytes32 hash keccak256 of the key to delete

Modifier: onlyAdminStorage


delete unit256 value from storage mapping by key

function deleteUint(bytes32 _key) onlyAdminStorage external

Parameter Type Description
_key bytes32 hash keccak256 of the key to delete

Modifier: onlyAdminStorage


delete string value from storage mapping by key

function deleteString(bytes32 _key) onlyAdminStorage external

Parameter Type Description
_key bytes32 hash keccak256 of the key to delete

Modifier: onlyAdminStorage


delete bytes value from storage mapping by key

function deleteBytes(bytes32 _key) onlyAdminStorage external

Parameter Type Description
_key bytes32 hash keccak256 of the key to delete

Modifier: onlyAdminStorage


delete bool value from storage mapping by key

function deleteBool(bytes32 _key) onlyAdminStorage external

Parameter Type Description
_key bytes32 hash keccak256 of the key to delete

Modifier: onlyAdminStorage


delete int value from storage mapping by key

function deleteInt(bytes32 _key) onlyAdminStorage external

Parameter Type Description
_key bytes32 hash keccak256 of the key to delete

Modifier: onlyAdminStorage