
Contract BBStandard is Ownable

imports: Ownable.sol, SafeMath.sol, BBStorage.sol, ERC20.sol

Source: BBStandard.sol

BBStandard is standard contract implements the key-value storage from BBStorage, and use BBO ERC20 token for payment



set Storage contract address. Only owner can invoke.

function setStorage(address storageAddress) onlyOwner public

Parameter Type Description
storageAddress address address of the storage contract

modifier: onlyOwner


set BBO token contract address. Only owner can invoke.

function setBBO(address BBOAddress) onlyOwner public

Parameter Type Description
BBOAddress address address of the BBO token contract

modifier: onlyOwner


withdraw any token in the contract. Only owner can invoke.

function withdrawTokens(ERC20 anyToken) public onlyOwner

Parameter Type Description
anyToken ERC20 address of the token

modifier: onlyOwner