
Contract BBFreelancer is BBStandard

imports: BBStandard.sol

Source: BBFreelancer.sol

BBFreelancer is modifiers contract used for BBFreelancerBid, BBFreelancerJob, BBFreelancerPayment



Require job hash not exist in BBFreelancer System

modifier jobNotExist(bytes jobHash)

Parameter Type Description
jobHash bytes Hash of job stored in IPFS


Require the sender is the freelancer of this Job Hash

modifier isFreelancerOfJob(bytes jobHash)

Parameter Type Description
jobHash bytes Hash of job stored in IPFS


Require the sender is not the owner of this Job Hash

modifier isNotOwnerJob(bytes jobHash)

Parameter Type Description
jobHash bytes Hash of job stored in IPFS


Require the sender is the owner of this Job Hash

modifier isOwnerJob(bytes jobHash)

Parameter Type Description
jobHash bytes Hash of job stored in IPFS


Require this Job Hash is not canceled yet

modifier isNotCanceled(bytes jobHash)

Parameter Type Description
jobHash bytes Hash of job stored in IPFS


Require this Job Hash is not started yet

modifier jobNotStarted(bytes jobHash)

Parameter Type Description
jobHash bytes Hash of job stored in IPFS