
Contract BBDispute is BBStandard

imports: BBStandard.sol, BBLib.sol, BBFreelancerPayment.sol

Source: BBDispute.sol

BBDispute is the contract implements Poll creation actions for creating dispute in Freelancer app



Event for logging start new poll.

event PollStarted(bytes jobHash, address indexed creator);

Parameter Type Description
jobHash bytes32 Hash of the jobHash store on IPFS
proofHash proofHash Hash of the job evident stored on IPFS
creator address address who start the Poll


Event for logging against the exist poll.

event PollAgainsted(bytes jobHash, address indexed creator);

Parameter Type Description
jobHash bytes32 Hash of the jobHash store on IPFS
proofHash proofHash Hash of the job evident stored on IPFS
creator address address who against the Poll


Event for logging against the exist poll.

event PollFinalized(bytes jobHash, uint256 jobOwnerVotes, uint256 freelancerVotes, bool isPass);

Parameter Type Description
jobHash bytes32 Hash of the jobHash store on IPFS
jobOwnerVotes uint256 number of votes for the hirer of this job
freelancerVotes uint256 number of votes for the freelancer of this job


Event for logging White-Flaged.

event PollWhiteFlaged(bytes32 indexed jobHash, address indexed creator);

Parameter Type Description
jobHash bytes32 Hash of the jobHash store on IPFS
creator address who fire white-flag a dispute


Event for logging Extend a Voting duration.

event PollExtended(bytes32 indexed jobHash);

Parameter Type Description
jobHash bytes32 Hash of the jobHash store on IPFS



set Payment contract address. Only owner can invoke.

function setPayment(address p) onlyOwner public

Parameter Type Description
p address address of the payment contract

modifier: onlyOwner


Check this Poll started for the job Hash has againts or not

function isAgaintsPoll(bytes jobHash) public constant returns(bool)

Parameter Type Description
jobHash bytes Hash of the job store on IPFS

Return: (Bool)


Create a Poll to start Dispute by provide the evident proofHash

function startPoll(bytes jobHash, bytes proofHash) public

Parameter Type Description
jobHash bytes Hash of the job stored on IPFS
proofHash bytes Hash of the job evident stored on IPFS


Against a Poll to start Dispute by provide the evident proofHash.

function againstPoll(bytes jobHash, bytes againstProofHash) public

Parameter Type Description
jobHash bytes Hash of the job stored on IPFS
againstProofHash bytes Hash of the job evident stored on IPFS


Get Poll detail

function getPoll(bytes jobHash) public constant returns (uint256, uint256, bool)

Parameter Type Description
jobHash bytes Hash of the job stored on IPFS


Parameter Type Description
jobOwnerVotes uint256 number of votes for the hirer of this job
freelancerVotes uint256 number of votes for the freelancer of this job


Finalize a Poll

function finalizePoll(bytes jobHash) public

Parameter Type Description
jobHash bytes Hash of the job stored on IPFS


White-flag a Poll

function whiteflagPoll(bytes jobHash) public

Parameter Type Description
jobHash bytes Hash of the job stored on IPFS


Extend a Poll

function extendPoll(bytes jobHash) public

Parameter Type Description
jobHash bytes Hash of the job stored on IPFS