
Contract BBFreelancerPayment is BBFreelancer

imports: BBFreelancer.sol, BBLib.sol

Source: BBFreelancerPayment.sol

BBFreelancerPayment is the contract control the payment for Freelancer app



Event for loging payment claimed.

event PaymentClaimed(bytes jobHash, address indexed sender);

Parameter Type Description
jobHash bytes Hash of the job store on IPFS
sender address user call claim payment


Event for loging payment accepted.

event PaymentAccepted(bytes jobHash, address indexed sender);

Parameter Type Description
jobHash bytes Hash of the job store on IPFS
sender address user call accept payment


Event for loging payment rejected.

event PaymentRejected(bytes jobHash, address indexed sender);

Parameter Type Description
jobHash bytes Hash of the job store on IPFS
sender address user call reject payment


Event for loging payment claim.

event DisputeFinalized(bytes jobHash, address indexed winner);

Parameter Type Description
jobHash bytes Hash of the job store on IPFS
winner address address has won the dispute



Hirer accept the payment when the freelancer done the job

function acceptPayment(bytes jobHash) public isOwnerJob(jobHash)

Parameter Type Description
jobHash bytes Hash of the job store on IPFS

Modifiers: isOwnerJob


Hirer reject the payment when the freelancer done the job

function rejectPayment(bytes jobHash) public isOwnerJob(jobHash)

Parameter Type Description
jobHash bytes Hash of the job store on IPFS

Modifiers: isOwnerJob


The freelancer can claim the payment if the hirer does not accept/reject after X duration.

function claimePayment(bytes jobHash) public isFreelancerOfJob(jobHash)

Parameter Type Description
jobHash bytes Hash of the job store on IPFS

Modifiers: isFreelancerOfJob


The freelancer can check the payment of this job for ready claim

function checkPayment(bytes jobHash) public view returns(uint256, uint256)

Parameter Type Description
jobHash bytes Hash of the job store on IPFS


Parameter Type Description
status uint256 status of job
pendingDate uint256 after this date freelancer can claim the payment


Finalize dispute job and send payment for the winer

function finalizeDispute(bytes jobHash) public returns(bool)

Parameter Type Description
jobHash bytes Hash of the job store on IPFS


refund token to hirer if canceled

function refundBBO(bytes jobHash) public returns(bool) {

Parameter Type Description
jobHash bytes Hash of the job store on IPFS