
Contract BBFreelancerBid is BBFreelancer

imports: BBFreelancerPayment.sol, BBLib.sol, BBFreelancer.sol

Source: BBFreelancerBid.sol

BBFreelancerBid is the contract implements Bidding actions for Freelancer app



Event for logging Bid creations.

event BidCreated(bytes32 indexed jobHash , address indexed owner, uint256 bid, uint256 bidTime)

Parameter Type Description
jobHash bytes32 keccak256 of job Hash, use for filter bid by job hash
owner address address of the creator
bid uint256 amount BBO for this Bid
bidTime uint256 total work hours for this bid (stored as second)


Event for logging the canceled Bid .

event BidCanceled(bytes32 indexed jobHash, address indexed owner);

Parameter Type Description
jobHash bytes32 keccak256 of job Hash, use for filter bid by job hash
owner address address of the creator


Event for logging Bid creations.

event BidAccepted(bytes32 indexed jobHash, address indexed freelancer);

Parameter Type Description
jobHash bytes32 keccak256 of job Hash, use for filter bid by job hash
freelancer address address of the creator of this bid



Set the address of the FreelancerPayment contract. Only invoked by owner.

function setPaymentContract(address paymentAddress) onlyOwner public

Parameter Type Description
paymentAddress address the address of the FreelancerPayment contract


Allow the freelancer to create new bid for job hash.

function createBid(bytes jobHash, uint256 bid, uint bidTime) public isNotOwnerJob(jobHash) isNotCanceled(jobHash) jobNotStarted(jobHash)

Parameter Type Description
jobHash bytes job Hash
bid uint256 amount BBO for this Bid
bidTime uint256 total work hours for this bid (stored as second)

Modifiers: isNotOwnerJob, isNotCanceled, jobNotStarted


Allow the freelancer to cancel the bid by job hash.

function cancelBid(bytes jobHash) public isNotOwnerJob(jobHash)

Parameter Type Description
jobHash bytes job Hash

Modifiers: isNotOwnerJob


Allow the hirer to accept the bid for job hash.

function acceptBid(bytes jobHash, address freelancer) public

Parameter Type Description
jobHash bytes job Hash
freelancer address address of the bid want to accept